Friday, August 6, 2010

The Man - Anticipation


  1. Good pose Anh-nold! One suggestion would be to have his hands in a bit more. Unless they're about to move in of course! I like it, his eyes make him look really crazy!

  2. I like the pose. I like the lighting it's very good and nice soft Pixar like lighting. I would suggest you could change the lighting to some more rock and roll styles as well and see what the lighting and color effects change the style of the pose, I think it would be cool to have some red and orange lighting, or purple or dark grungy rock style lighting. As for the pose I think it's good and it is a solid character and the aniticpation to move toward the key golden story telling pose is good and has a good solid weight and balance line of action and I would suggest to improve it just simply putting the leg out further and placing more of a weight toward the right and left leg and this could be created from moving the foot more and having the character pose more unrealistic for a human figure etc, I also would like to see the key golden pose and compare it. I think you probably already have it however I'm unsure and I'll try to post mine soon. :)
